Making A Killing Action Page - Brave New Films
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Tell Your Legislators to Ban Assault Weapons Now!

Contact your representative and demand they take action. Sign, Send, and share! 

Contact Your Reps

Use the Screen_Shot_2016-04-07_at_7.33.22_PM.pngcontact widget above to tell your US Senators and Member of Congress to step up and fight to ban assault weapons now!

The evidence is clear: incidents where assault weapons or large capacity ammunition magazines are used result in 135% more people shot and 57% more killed compared to other mass shooting.

Assault weapons like the one used in Orlando have been used in San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Columbine,and far
too many other shootings throughout the country with huge casualties.

As Dave Hoover, uncle of an Aurora victim, says in Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA, “You don’t go hunting with an AR-15 unless you're hunting humans.”

Join the fight to ban assault weapons today.

Host A Screening

We encourage you to host your own event to organize and connect with others to work on gun violence together. 

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Get Involved

Find more ways to get involved and take action by visiting our partner organizations. 

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