Pelosi Helps Progressives Break Funding Rules, Says House Panel
By Neil Munro at The Daily Caller
Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is helping a progressive group break Capitol Hill fundraising rules by hosting the premier of a partisan movie in the Capitol Visitor Center, according to the GOP chairman of the Committee on House Administration.
“Rightly so, we cannot hold partisan political rallies or fundraisers on the grounds of the Capitol or within its walls,” said the May 19 letter, from Rep. Candice Miller, who chairs the bipartisan committee that funds and oversees House operations, facilities and non-partisan support staff.
If the rules are violated, “the member sponsoring the function will be held accountable for enforcement of all room regulations [and the] outside groups… may have their reservation cancelled or even terminated,” according to the House rules, the letter said.
“I remind you again of your responsibility and accountability to make certain that the regulations governing the use of taxpayer funded facilities are followed,” said the letter.
The new movie is being promoted by Democrats — including Pelosi and Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid — who are trying to portray David and Charles Koch as political ogres. The film is called “Koch Brothers Exposed,” and Pelosi and Reid are expected to attend the movie’e premier in the visitor center May 20.
The movie was produced by Brave New Films, whose board consists of Democratic activists.
The premier violates three House rules, said the letter.
The rules say that “no audio visual presentations in the CVC may premiere, preview, showcase or publicize a film,” but the movie’s producers say the CVC event is a premiere, said Miller’s letter to Pelosi.
The House rules also state that “no reference to the presentation being shown in the U.S. capitol may be used in printed materials, websites… [that] is promotional in nature.”
But the producers’ have promised to “host a press briefing and premiere of our upcoming documentary… with Senator Reid and several other congressional leaders,” the letter noted.
“All three of these rules may have been violated by Brave New Films… as the sponsoring member of this event I remind you again of your responsibility and accountability to make certain the regulations governing the us of taxpayer funded facilities are followed,” said MIller.
“I hope that you take this opportunity to reconsider whether you believe any lines have been crossed and then take the action you believe appropriate,” said Miller.
In the run-up to the November election, Democrats are painting the Koch brothers as villains as they try to spur tepid enthusiasm for Democratic candidates.
The brothers can’t be easily demonized. They fund numerous admirable non-political causes, and they support some progressive goals, including increased immigration and the redefinition of marriage to include single-sex couples.
The Koch brothers, however, are hated by many Democrats because they generously fund small-government advocacy.
“Billionaires David and Charles Koch have been handed the ability to buy our democracy in the form of giant checks to the House, Senate, and soon, possibly even the Presidency,” says the breathless marketing copy for the movie, “Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition.”
The movie’s marketing pitch does not mention the greater support given by billionaires for Democratic causes, including Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Tom Steyer and Steve Case.