Happy 10th Anniversary Outfoxed and Newshounds!
By Ellen for Newshounds
Can you believe it has been 10 years since “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s war on journalism” premiered? You may think that Fox’s bias has always been common knowledge but it was that documentary that brought it front and center and forever shattered Fox’s “fair and balanced” mantra. I and the other original News Hounds are proud to have been a part of the effort. Our friends at Brave New Films, which produced Outfoxed, have put together a video honoring this groundbreaking film. Check it out (and you can even see me a time or two) after the jump.
Read more at http://www.newshounds.us/happy_10th_anniversary_outfoxed_and_newshounds_07122014#fgJHVPopVyKriPcq.99
For those who were not readers of our blog then, the News Hounds blog was created by the eight researchers for the film. We were energized by our work and we wanted to keep going in some way. Thus was born www.NewsHounds.us and our motto, “We Watch FOX so you don’t have to.” We did it all with some help from Outfoxed producer (and now CEO of NationBuilder, the company that currently hosts NewsHounds) Jim Gilliam. When the film launched, so did our blog.
To help commemorate the occasion, I reached out to the original News Hounds and invited them to share their thoughts. I received responses from Judy and Marie Therese and some thoughts from Deborah’s daughter. Sadly, Deborah, Nancy and Eleanor have each passed away. I will be posting the responses I received throughout the weekend.
So watch the film below and please share your own thoughts and reflections on the film and NewsHounds - or whatever other thoughts may be provoked - in our comments section.
Also, if you can spare some money for Brave New Films to keep up their good work using guerrilla media tactics, please consider donating here.