Reid, Pelosi Twist Words To Defend Use Of Capitol To Promote Partisan Koch-Bashing Film
By Personal Liberty News Desk
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will use the Capitol Visitor Center inside the U.S. Capitol building tonight to screen and discuss a film whose title is as politically weighted as its message: Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition.
In other words, two elected public servants are using the Capitol grounds tonight as a propaganda stump for the Democratic Party.
It’s against House and Senate rules governing the use of the Capitol to publicize or premiere a film in the Vistors Center. House Administration Committee chair Candice Miller (R-Mi.) wrote to Pelosi in a letter shared with media sources Tuesday, informing them that they were violating both the spirit and the letter of those rules, which are intended to prevent the seat of government from becoming a partisan hawker’s den.
“We cannot hold partisan political rallies or fundraisers on the grounds of the Capitol, or within its walls,” wrote Miller, who said the event “may cross the line into partisan politics.”
“Our work in this hallowed building must solely be in the interests of the American people and not in the interests of any political cause,” the letter continues.
Reid and Pelosi are justifying the event – and their participation in it – with obfuscations about why the film is being shown and what they hope to accomplish by showing it at the Capitol.
Reid called the film “a public statement” rather than a piece of partisan propaganda and said Miller’s accusation just demonstrates how brainwashed anyone who would criticize his Koch brothers bashing must be: “That shows how their [the brothers’] tentacles are in every part of the Republican congressional staff.”
Through a spokesman, Pelosi insinuated the rules apply everywhere in the Capitol except the room where the film is being shown.
“As Chairwoman Miller acknowledges in her letter, the room in question is not governed by the rules she cites,” said spokesman Drew Hammill. “Regardless, this film was created by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and this event is neither a fundraiser or a screening, but a press conference in which clips from the film will be shown.
“The fact that Chairwoman Miller wrote this letter demonstrates the reach of the Koch Brothers into our government and why there is a need for the public to be more fully informed of their activities, which is the goal of this film.”
Except it is a screening. And read Hammill’s last sentence again. Isn’t that the same logic that makes a bona fide witch float, but drowns an accused innocent?