We are facing a critical moment in the fight for reproductive freedom. Across the country, anti-abortion laws are being passed, threatening the rights and autonomy of individuals everywhere. We cannot stand idly by as these laws strip away our fundamental rights and jeopardize our health and well-being. Join us in demanding that our lawmakers protect reproductive freedom and oppose any legislation that seeks to restrict access to abortion services. Reproductive freedom is about more than just the right to choose—it's about the right to control our own bodies and futures. It's about ensuring that everyone has access to the healthcare they need, without judgment or barriers.
Recent findings from the Gender Equity Policy Institute underscore the profound impact of abortion bans on women's health and lives. According to their report, women residing in states with abortion bans are three times more likely to die compared to those in states with unrestricted access to reproductive healthcare services. The alarming statistics reveal the dire consequences of restrictive legislation on women's well-being. Now, the looming specter of a nationwide abortion ban presents an even graver threat to women's health and autonomy. Such a sweeping measure would only exacerbate the harm inflicted on individuals seeking critical reproductive healthcare services. It is imperative to recognize the urgency of safeguarding access to abortion care to prevent further harm and protect the lives and rights of women nationwide. Forced birth of non-viable pregnancies and the trauma inflicted upon rape victims forced to carry their pregnancies to term further underscore the urgent need to protect reproductive freedom. Denying individuals the right to make decisions about their own bodies perpetuates further suffering and injustice. We must stand together to oppose these harmful measures and ensure that all individuals have the autonomy to make informed choices about their reproductive health without fear, coercion, or stigma.
By signing this petition, you are standing up for reproductive freedom. You are standing with those who are most affected by these restrictive laws—women, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and low-income communities. Take the pledge to take concrete actions in the fight for autonomy over one's own body. Your signature is a commitment to activism and advocacy.
In essence, your signature on this petition is more than just a name—it is a pledge to actively advocate for reproductive freedom through legislative engagement, voting, and community outreach.