For November, the Topanga Peace Alliance will be having a special program featuring the new documentary Suppressed: The Fight to Vote and nationally recognized voting expert, Dr. Judy Alter in person at the Library. Dr. Judy Alter is the Director of Protect California Ballots. She is an advocate of ensuring that all the steps of our election process are observed by public citizens, especially counting the votes on our ballots.
Suppressed: The Fight to Vote, the new documentary by Robert Greenwald / Brave New Films, weaves together personal stories from voters across the state of Georgia to paint an undeniable picture of voter suppression in the 2018 midterm election where Stacey Abrams fought to become the first Black female governor in the U.S. The issues Georgians faced included polling place closures, voter purges, missing absentee ballots, extreme wait times and a host of voter ID issues – all of which disproportionately prevented many students and people of color from casting their ballots. We will also be showing other shorts between the discussions.
We will also be showing selected relevant short videos regarding the voting process in America.
Before the film, we will have announcements regarding upcoming events and actions for peace and social justice and a report back on our Military Opt Out drive (see schedule below).
Throughout the program, we will be having discussions regarding the challenges regarding voting today.
***Please try to bring your own bowl and a cloth napkin, so we can reduce the waste created by this event. ***
A $10 donation is requested, but no one is turned away for lack of funds.
At The Topanga Library
122 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd, Topanga 90290
Friday, November 1, 2019
Doors open at 7.
Veggie Snack Pot Luck at 7:15 PM
Movie at 7:30 PM
If you can, please bring a non-alcoholic beverage or vegetarian potluck snacks to share.
The event is ADA compliant with plenty of easy parking, elevator access and headphones for those who need a little extra volume. The movie will be in the meeting room, across the patio from the elevator and the top of the stairs.
For further information please contact:
Julie at 310 455-9389 h; 310 463-3016
Learn more. Subscribe today!
Suppressed: The Fight to Vote - Topanga, CA
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November 01, 2019 at 7:15pm - 10:15pm