In 2019, Brave New Films released series – Following Their Lead: Youth in Action – to spotlight some amazing youth-led advocacy groups across the country who are creating positive change on critical social and political issues.
Young people are experts on their lives and the change they want to see in the world; they also bear the consequences of today’s decision-making. Their voices are powerful and should be heard. The youth voice needs to be at the decision-making table for all issues. Their help is essential for an inclusive and responsive democracy.
Join us in celebrating the amazing groups featured in this film series, as well as the many other youth organizers around the country. Each screening will be different and may be followed by panelists with people from the films, local youth organizers, or performances.
New York, NY | Ford Foundation | Ford Foundation Headquarters | April 8, 2019 | Click here |
Austin, TX | Youth Rise Texas | TBD | TBD | Coming |
Richmond, VA | RISE for Youth | TBD | TBD | Coming |
Oakland, CA | Padres & Jovenes | TBD | TBD | Coming |
Chicago, IL | Communities United | TBD | TBD | Coming |
Los Angeles, CA | Brave New Films | TBD | TBD | Coming |
Silver Spring, MD | MOCA | TBD | TBD | Coming |
Knoxville, TN | Highlander Education Center | Highlander Education Center | TBD | Coming |
If you're interested in screening Following Their Lead: Youth in Action in your community, email us!