In 2014, 14 states around the nation introduced bills to allow guns to be carried on college campuses under the guise that more guns will equal safer schools.
There have been over 100 more school shootings since Sandy Hook; with over 50 school shooting in 2015*, and so far in 2016, as of April, 17 more*. Yet, the NRA and gun lobbyists think more guns are what college campuses need?
College presidents, faculty, students, and parents throughout the nation are opposed to these bills in record numbers. Campus sexual assault survivors are livid. They almost unanimously agree that had their assailants had guns, their lives would have been in danger. Share this video and help us stop the NRA and gun lobbyists from hijacking the campaigns of victims and from pushing more guns in the name of profit.
Help us keep guns off of campuses. Check out our film that takes on the NRA Making A Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA
Click here if you are interested in screening this film with your organization, faith group or community group.
Click here if you are an educator interested in screening this film in your classroom.
*"176 School Shootings since 2013"