Families Torn Apart: America’s Deadly Immigration Policy
From babies to teenagers, the Trump administration CONTINUES to rip thousands of immigrant children away from their parents at the border. Despite a court order to halt the process, this inhumane policy of family separation has not stopped. Six immigrant children have died in U.S. detention since Trump took office. Six families will never be reunited. But there is hope. Watch our latest piece and then take action to undo the harm.
Help us ensure this film has a strong impact. Take our pledge to share Families Torn Apart with:
- Three elected officials. Find your federal representatives here. Send them an email, call their office or tweet at them.
- Two local news outlets. Write an op-ed and share the video with members of your local media.
- One friend or family member. Help spread the word and ask them to share.
Visit our Action Page for other ways to fight the family separation crisis.
Sign up here to host a screening of our entire Immigrant Prison Series with your organization, faith group, or school.