Laws – known as "feticide" or "fetal endangerment" laws, which were originally meant to protect pregnant women against battery and assault, are now being used to target and criminalize pregnant women, especially poor women and women of color.
These laws are being used to put mothers behind bars for a slew of different reasons: from driving without a seatbelt to attempted suicide to drug use. Wrongfully imprisoning women doesn't solve anything. It separates mothers from their families and makes it harder to seek treatment for substance abuse. This truly only hurts children and families more.
Women affected by these laws need good medical care, support, and treatment, not punitive jail sentences and a criminal record!
Sign below to stand up against criminalizing pregnancy and urge lawmakers to create fair and effective policies that actually help women and families.
We need to eliminate these unnecessary laws.
Update: A Tennessee "Fetal Assault" law is on track to expire in July 2016 without renewal. We released our short To Prison For Prengancy with partner group Healthy and Free TN in January 2016 to help make this happen. If you missed it, watch here