Donate $50 or more and we will add your name as a producer to appear in the credits of the finished documentary
The Real NRA Making A Killing is a feature length documentary that will expose the public health crisis that the gun lobby has created in the name of profits and furthering their extreme ideology- coming 2016
Since 2014 we have been planning, researching and filming the beginning of this documentary. Now that we have a solid start and have raised $125,000 in small donations and an additional $125,000 from a generous matching donor we have committed to brining this documentary to the world in 2016.
There is still time to sign on as a producer of the film if you donated $50 or more.
Help use tell these stories. Help take on the NRA and gun lobby!
Donations are tax-deductible, please note producer credit will be shown at the end of the film. It is for donor purpose only and should not be used for resume or bio purposes.