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6,014 signatures
Sign this petition urging Congress to provide treatment for the mentally ill, not jail cells and arrest records:
It’s time to pass H.R. 4574, the Strengthening Mental Health in Our Communities Act. Mental illness is not a crime. It’s time to start providing effective and less expensive treatment, not more arrests.
See who else is signing:
Melodie Leonard
Ian Anderson
Jo Ward
Matthew Garza
Sophie Spencer
Robin Kwasneski
Donna Dineley
Robin Lemke
debbie ahern
The Torres/Lebron Family
Pat Schumacher
AnneMarie Biagini Olin White
Angeline Newson
Jim Harter
Marlisle Carlton
Gwen Paul
N.J. Mac
Melanie Beaudin
Constance Parlin
Susan Warner
mary petty
carey chambers
April Benson
Amarys Williams
Joe Culp