Suppressed 2020: The Fight to Vote - Film Screening Plus Panel Discussion on Public Education & Democracy
August 18th @ 7pm CT (5pm PT/8pm ET)
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Join the Badass Teachers Association (BATs) & Fix Democracy First for an exciting event and special screening of the documentary, Suppressed 2020: The Fight to Vote. The film will be followed by a panel discussion on Public Education & Democracy: Strengthening the Relationship to Elevate Our Voices. Special guests TBD.
Suppressed 2020: The Fight To Vote by Robert Greenwald (Director of Outfoxed, Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price, and Making A Killing: Guns Greed and the NRA) is a short, powerful documentary about the growing threat of voter suppression to our 2020 election. Deeply personal accounts from voters of color across the state of Georgia reveal deliberate, widespread voter suppression in the 2018 midterm election where Stacey Abrams fought to become the first Black female governor in the U.S. Polling place closures, voter purges, missing absentee ballots, extreme wait times and voter ID issues were in full effect again during the 2020 primaries and are on-going across the country right now, all disproportionately affecting Black Americans and minorities from casting their ballots. Now, amidst a global health crisis, the cruel weaponization of vote-by-mail restrictions has turned the constitutional right to vote into a choice between life and death. Suppressed 2020 is a call to action against the calculated, unconstitutional and racist attacks intended to suppress the right to vote in America.
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Film trailer:
The Badass Teachers Association is a grassroots, member-led organization that rejects racially and socially oppressive profit-driven education reform and through their advocacy demands equitable student driven policies and systems that are also equitably funded to meet the needs of ALL students and schools.
Fix Democracy First's mission is to achieve fair elections and government policies that reflect the will of the people, not the power of money.