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Melinda Sedgley
Larry Fagot
Kevin Zucker
Jeanne Shaw
Jeremy Brock
Lisa Brown
Leonard Hardy
george Cox
John and Lucy Witeck
Susan Wallace
Bonnie Roman
Carl Christensen
Karen Gadwell
Sally Vogel
Jean Furlan
Dennis Mahoney
S Carlson
Robert Bollinger
Susan D Carter
Debra norie
Rania Gazawi
Kathleen Nutter
Helen Clarke
Valera Bochkarev
Douglas Kinney, D.M.D., Maj. U.S. Army (Ret.)
Mary Ellen Gottlieb
Peggy Amaya
Pam Loftus
Marianne Olguin
182 signatures
Sign our thank you letter to Sen. Udall for having the guts to call for CIA Director John Brennan to resign.
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