Dear Walmart,
Stop continuing to undermine public safety by selling guns!
In the wake of the racist hate-crime killing spree of 9 innocent people in their Charleston church, Walmart has announced it will no longer sell merchandise with the Confederate flag – which is great (welcome to 2015!) - but if Walmart really wants to do something substantial to end violence, they need to stop selling guns and ammunition.
In 2014 Walmart was the biggest seller of firearms and ammunition in America.*
Walmart spokesman Brian Nick says Walmart doesn’t “want to offend anyone with the products that we offer.**”
Walmart is undermining public safety by using guns to boost their sales and this kind of greed is highly “offensive.”
Walmart has openly opposed common sense background checks and bans on semi-automatic weapons because mass shootings are good for Walmarts profit margins.
We are always pushing Walmart to be better for America. Sign the petition telling Walmart to stop selling weapons and ammunition that kill.
We will deliver it to Walmart headquarters!