How Much Is Your Freedom Worth?
Part three of The Bail Trap: American Ransom series "How Much Is Your Freedom Worth?" is a stylistic departure for Brave New Films. It blends spoken word poetry from artists who have had personal experiences facing the challenges of money bail and places the viewer in a disorienting and often jarring visual environment. In watching this, you'll get a glimpse into the heart and mind of those struggling with our criminal justice system. While these artists were able to step back out into the world and help us create this film, we want to remind you of the many who remain locked up as they continue to work on gaining their freedom back and navigate an unjust system. What do we know? That the United States spends over nine billion a year keeping innocent people behind bars. How? Because people awaiting trial are forced to pay excessive fines and either pay bail or remain in jail. Watch and share – together we can share these stories and lead the way to #EndMoneyBail.