Tax Dodge: The Carried Interest Loophole
The carried interest loophole has allowed the wealthiest of Americans, heads of private equity firms and beyond, to dodge paying nearly $180 billion in taxes over the last decade. Trump promised to close the loophole and to fight for fair taxation. He has failed at keeping his promise. In lieu of closing it, he made Goldman Sachs bankers and hedge fund managers his direct advisors. It's not right and is unfair that billionaires pay a lower tax rate than the rest of working Americans. Not to mention, closing the carried interest loophole would generate 18 billion in revenue per year – enough to fund school and infrastructure. We need to reform the financial system now by ensuring tax fairness for all.
Tax Dodge: The Carried Interest Loophole was created with Hedgeclippers to expose Trump's hypocrisy and failure to hold the rich fiscally accountable in paying their fair share in taxes. Tell your Members of Congress and State Legislators that it is time to hold Trump to his word: close the carried interest loophole.