whitehousereporters - Brave New Films
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Thank You Abby Phillip, Yamiche Alcindor and April Ryan!

Dear Abby Phillip, Yamiche Alcindor and April Ryan,

Thank you for your commitment to honest reporting on the White House. In spite of the verbal abuse and attempts to silence you, you persisted and asked the Trump administration tough questions to hold them accountable.

You confronted Trump on the Mueller investigation, voter suppression in the midterm elections, and challenged his divisive rhetoric and close ties to white nationalism. 

We admire your grit in the face of dismissive and demeaning language, and we appreciate your dedication to keeping the American public informed. 

In solidarity, 

Your Supporters 


  • Moisette McNerney
    commented 2018-11-17 07:33:52 -0800
    Dear Abby Philip, Yamiche Alcindor & April Ryan,

    Thank you for your excellent reporting. You are keeping Americans informed and as such, giving us a vital voice we may not otherwise necessarily have. I’m profoundly apologetic for the tone Trump has taken with each of you and hope you are all aware that this is not representative of the feelings of civil and fair-minded Americans. I admire each of you for your past accomplishments and will cheer you on for your continued efforts, even in the face of adversity, to keep the American public informed. You have my deepest support and gratitude.
  • Mark Perlman
    commented 2018-11-17 07:30:43 -0800
    Thank you for your commitment to fine journalism. You fine, intelligent women are to be congratulated for continuing to challenge the horrors of this presidency. God bless you. Keep up the great work and please don’t be deterred by this racist president.
  • Lorraine Brochu
    commented 2018-11-17 07:27:27 -0800
    Thank you all for your battle scars won in facing the current occupant, in combatting abuse, racism and obfuscation from one in a position that should be above this. The American public admires your strength and perseverance. May your skin be like Teflon, your energy unflagging, and your moral compass ever true.
  • Amy Hammerman
    commented 2018-11-17 07:26:39 -0800
    Amy Kuo Hammerman
  • Scott Hallen
    commented 2018-11-17 07:26:25 -0800
    Your input is invaluable at this awful time in our country’s history. Please continue to fight for accountability in this age of demogography led by the most inept excuse for a leader we have ever seen.
  • Michael Rabbitt
    commented 2018-11-17 07:24:23 -0800
  • Patricia Cooper
    commented 2018-11-17 07:21:13 -0800
  • Paul Fleming
    commented 2018-11-17 07:20:39 -0800
  • Linda Walz
    commented 2018-11-17 07:20:34 -0800
  • Mary Sullivan
    commented 2018-11-17 07:17:39 -0800
    Thanks to all for your dedication to exercising and upholding our 1st Amendment rights in these unsettling times. Ms. Alcindor, I watch the PBS NewsHour regularly, and I admire your objective reporting and the way you maintain your cool in challenging situations.
  • Kala Moynihan
    commented 2018-11-17 07:16:45 -0800
  • Leslie Travis
    commented 2018-11-17 07:14:17 -0800
    Thank you so much for being willing to continue working with intelligence, perseverance and integrity in situations that would make most people run away. Your courage is inspirational. Your reporting of news is so very important for every one in this country.
  • Victoria King
    commented 2018-11-17 07:13:46 -0800
    Thank you for your courage and integrity. This man is an obnoxious human being. Your class just throws shade on that cretin. Please continue to persist. You are relevant and important and necessary. We need your voice.
  • Elise Magers
    commented 2018-11-17 07:13:20 -0800
    You make me proud! Too often people complain about what’s wrong. You three do something awesome everyday. Keep asking tough questions and standing up for what’s right. Thank you!
  • Mary Cavalier
    commented 2018-11-17 07:12:47 -0800
  • Evelyn Malone
    commented 2018-11-17 07:12:45 -0800
    Ladies, I have followed your various media coverages, of the ongoings in this nation, for a long period of time. I admire your calm determination, in the midst of harsh opposition. As a woman of color, you have my greatest respect and support! One person cannot ever diminish your dignity! Onward, ladies!
  • Dale Griffin
    commented 2018-11-17 07:11:18 -0800
    You are heros to me. Your work is so important in standing up to the ignorant and offensive behavior of this president. Thank you.
  • Susan Chadwick
    commented 2018-11-17 07:08:36 -0800
    Thank you for your continued coverage of the truth! My prayers are with you, please keep up the excellent work. I am with you 100%!!
  • Diana Paserba
    commented 2018-11-17 07:08:03 -0800
  • Diana Crump
    commented 2018-11-17 07:07:05 -0800
    Thank you ladies! Keep holding his feet to the fire!
  • Antony Crofts
    commented 2018-11-17 07:03:58 -0800
    Thanks for your spirited defense of our constitution, the 1st amendment, and freedom of the press
  • Joy Thomas
    commented 2018-11-17 07:03:53 -0800
    Joy Beach Thomas

    I can’t thank you enough. Keep going, you are speaking for all of us.
  • Mary Cavalier
    commented 2018-11-17 07:01:54 -0800
  • Allison Rieff
    commented 2018-11-17 07:00:21 -0800
  • Hannah Stein
    commented 2018-11-17 06:59:56 -0800
    Thank you for fighting for the truth, regardless of how you are treated. You are superheroes and role models for young children everywhere!
  • Christine McCormick
    commented 2018-11-17 06:59:43 -0800
  • Cindy Jacobson
    commented 2018-11-17 06:59:06 -0800
  • Christina N.
    commented 2018-11-17 06:57:42 -0800
  • Irene O'Neill
    commented 2018-11-17 06:55:57 -0800
  • Laura Olander
    commented 2018-11-17 06:53:30 -0800