whitehousereporters - Brave New Films
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Thank You Abby Phillip, Yamiche Alcindor and April Ryan!

Dear Abby Phillip, Yamiche Alcindor and April Ryan,

Thank you for your commitment to honest reporting on the White House. In spite of the verbal abuse and attempts to silence you, you persisted and asked the Trump administration tough questions to hold them accountable.

You confronted Trump on the Mueller investigation, voter suppression in the midterm elections, and challenged his divisive rhetoric and close ties to white nationalism. 

We admire your grit in the face of dismissive and demeaning language, and we appreciate your dedication to keeping the American public informed. 

In solidarity, 

Your Supporters 


  • Phil Heil
    commented 2018-11-17 06:05:55 -0800
  • Caroline Kalman
    followed this page 2018-11-17 06:05:32 -0800
  • Caroline Kalman
    commented 2018-11-17 06:05:08 -0800
    So proud of all of you!
  • Phil Heil
    commented 2018-11-17 06:05:03 -0800
    And never the less she persisted, thank you
  • Marlene White
    commented 2018-11-17 06:04:40 -0800
  • Kathy Collins
    commented 2018-11-17 06:03:11 -0800
    I admire your dignity and professionalism under very difficult circumstances. Great work ladies!
  • Kathleen Lynch
    commented 2018-11-17 06:03:11 -0800
  • Anne Dougherty
    commented 2018-11-17 06:03:03 -0800
  • Rev. Marylen Marty-Gentile
    commented 2018-11-17 06:01:28 -0800
    Rev. Marylen Marty-Gentile

    I am deeply, deeply grateful for your courage
  • Barbara Arsenault
    commented 2018-11-17 06:00:34 -0800
    I applaud you for all of your hard work and steadiness, during difficult times with this administration. Keep up your efforts. They are appreciated.
  • Rena Church
    commented 2018-11-17 06:00:20 -0800
    Thank you for continuing to shed light on the cowardly actions of an administration that seems to exist only in the darkest corners. We feel safer and less despairing because of your courage and unflagging pursuit of the truth.
  • Rachael Zimmerman
    commented 2018-11-17 06:00:11 -0800
  • Elizabeth Bucki
    commented 2018-11-17 05:53:24 -0800
  • Deb Joggerst Brown
    commented 2018-11-17 05:51:15 -0800
    Thank you for upholding the freedom of the press which upholds the freedom of the nation. A teacher once told me that the only stupid question is the one that remains unasked…on our behalf, please keep asking.

    Respectfully, Deb Joggerst Brown
  • Nancy Lietz
    commented 2018-11-17 05:49:56 -0800
  • Julia
    commented 2018-11-17 05:49:51 -0800
  • George G. Novak
    commented 2018-11-17 05:48:41 -0800
    I am a working 68 year old white male and a colo-rectal cancer survivor of 5 years. I would like to thank all of you for your courage and class in continually standing up to the lying bully in the White House. Now more than ever our country needs to protect the freedom of the press, and I am grateful that we have courageous women like you asking tough questions.
  • Laurie Wetherbee
    commented 2018-11-17 05:42:40 -0800
  • Sandy Donnelly
    commented 2018-11-17 05:41:10 -0800
    Thank you for your relentless work to keep the American people informed in spite of abusive and bullying behavior from POTUS and the WH. You are true American heroes and I appreciate what you have done and are doing every day for every one of us. I send you positive energy from a heart full of gratitude and love. You are my sisters.
  • Warren Rothman
    commented 2018-11-17 05:37:19 -0800
  • Liz Vigoda
    commented 2018-11-17 05:36:17 -0800
  • Royce Battleman
    commented 2018-11-17 05:33:10 -0800
  • Diana Oskroba
    commented 2018-11-17 05:33:06 -0800
  • Ann Arellano
    commented 2018-11-17 05:31:57 -0800
    Thank you and continue to stand strong. Freedom of the press is the cornerstone of a democracy. You all are doing incredible work to ensure we have the answers and knowledge to move the country forward, even as this administration strives to move it backward. You have my heartfelt gratitude.
  • Janet Craft
    commented 2018-11-17 05:26:13 -0800
    My deep admiration for your perseverance and ability to work in the face of hostility on behalf of all of us.
  • Bill Haerle
    commented 2018-11-17 05:25:28 -0800
    Thank you all for the courage to continually challenge the cowardly bully in the White House!
  • Philip Dick
    followed this page 2018-11-17 05:25:07 -0800
  • Cassandra McK
    commented 2018-11-17 05:24:29 -0800
  • Karen Phillips
    commented 2018-11-17 05:24:10 -0800
    The horrendous abuse from an appalling human being you must endure as you bring us information is appreciated more than this note can express

    Thank you
  • Philip Dick
    commented 2018-11-17 05:24:06 -0800